Klimatické desatero jednotlivce – 2. Spotřebováváme

27.08.2020 19:59

Spotřebovat nebo dlouhodobě využít bychom měli vše, co nakoupíme nebo dostaneme (viz Klimatické desatero jednotlivce – 1. Nakupujeme). Největším prohřeškem proti přírodě není dobře propečený steak na talíři, ale zbytečný nákup, který posléze skončí v odpadu. Koupím celý chleba, ale jeho část za pár dní vyhodím, protože zplesniví nebo bych raději čerstvý. Dlouho jsem věřil, že se to neděje úplně běžně, ale ruku na srdce, každému se to někdy stane. Když jsem však před časem zjistil, že se globálně nespotřebuje a vyhodí 30 % vyrobených potravin (bod A 1.4 ZDE), tak jsem si vlastní spotřebu začal více hlídat. Dovedete si to představit? 30 %! To je neuvěřitelné číslo. Se spotřebou potravin, s jejich množství a strukturou, souvisí (podle lékařů) i zdraví obyvatelstva. A naše česká obezita odpovídá v Evropě více té východní, než té západní (ZDE) – 14 % úmrtí je u nás přiřazováno obezitě, jako přitěžujícímu faktoru.

Ale nejde jen o potraviny. Spotřebováváme další produkty, které vznikají i jen částečně na úkor přírody. Voda, elektřina, teplo. Například ve spotřebě vody jsme v Česku naštěstí docela zodpovědní – 175 m3 na obyvatele v roce 2010 (celková spotřeba v průmyslu, zemědělství i v domácnostech přepočtená na 1 obyvatele) patřila ve světě k těm nižším (ZDE). To je docela překvapující číslo, protože se ve veřejném prostoru často objevují informace o vysoké náročnosti a vodním blahobytu našeho průmyslu, zemědělství i obyvatelstva. Ano, v posledních suchých letech jsme viděli, že se problémy se zásobováním vodou objevovaly a do budoucna musíme být na problémy připraveni. Ale řekl bych, že se musíme zaměřit (stejně jako u potravin) na snížení ztrát. Na mnoha místech, hlavně ve městech, máme pořád docela staré vodovodní řady. Ty trpí neočekávanými poruchami (opravdu neočekávanými?) a určitě i velkou ztrátou vody cestou ke spotřebiteli. A uvědomíme si to vždy, až se něco stane (ZDE). Kdo by čekal, že nám vodu do domácností přivádí potrubí z roku 1914, že?

Ani ve spotřebě energie nejsme nijak rozmařilí. I když bych to při znalosti struktury našeho průmyslu čekal. Zhruba 44 kWh v roce 2019 na obyvatele (ZDE) odpovídá „evropským“ poměrům (Německo také 44 kWh, Rakousko 47 kWh, Polsko 31 kWh, Slovensko 33 kWh, Francie 41 kWh, ...). Velkou spotřebu má v Evropě Norsko (91 kWh), Švédsko (62 kWh), Finsko (55 kWh), kupodivu Rusko (57 kWh). Odhaduji, že to v těchto zemích souvisí s vytápěním. Ale třeba i Belgie (65 kWh) nebo Nizozemí (57 kWh). Absolutně nejvyšší spotřebu má podle těchto statistik Kanada (106 kWh) a Island (180 kWh). Takže tady platí pro Česko totéž co u spotřeby vody. Nejsme na tom úplně špatně, ale rezervy se jistě najdou.

Druhé pravidlo klimatického desatera jednotlivce tedy je – Snižujme svou spotřebu, budeme zdravější a bohatší.


Přehled dílů klimatického desatera (Úvod

  1. Nakupujeme
  2. Spotřebováváme
  3. Vedeme
  4. Cestujeme
  5. Čteme, posloucháme nebo se díváme
  6. Věříme
  7. Volíme
  8. Studujeme


Diskusní téma: Klimatické desatero jednotlivce – 2. Spotřebováváme

made $8,000 in 3 weeks on Telegram

Ellisement | 06.03.2023

WARNING: The project I'm talking about opened in mid-February. It is possible to invest in it now, but read carefully. What is described in the text - it is a scheme of earnings, in which the risk was only with my personal money and the money of a friend!

Why this project?

In search of fast money completely by accident I stumbled on a fresh project. In my personal opinion, all signs of a Hyip project (@inTGBlockchain_BOT), but I am not sure about it, perhaps something related to bidding and investment, the full picture I have not managed to uncover, I can only share the results. And communication with bot like this in telegram is new for me.

About multaccounts

Probably everyone has played an MMORPG. And everyone was inspired by the idea to create his own bot to gain level, to get more time than other players! That's how Multi-Accounts were born and they exploited the system mercilessly, increasing the requirements for adequate players.
Projects similar to the one I'm describing are also famous for multi-accounts, which are created by crafty users. And this is our case. But big brother is watching you, and any ill-considered action can lead to a fatal mistake! Usually, the administration of the project completely demolishes both the leaders of the structures and their accounts. Funds can be considered as lost. But this project is not, at least for now. The authors do not limit the users in investing, and even invented not a few ways to spur the rate of earnings, but about that later.
The only question is how to simulate the storm of investment activity without attracting the attention of the administration? By identifying the maximum vulnerability, we have developed a whole scheme, involving active and passive ways of income!

Building the scheme

For our task were identified such data as: an input of $ 10 per account, scattered on different blocks and ready, expect profits of a minimum of $ 20, and a maximum of $ 80, and all within 1-2 days. Sounds kind of unrealistic even at this stage, doesn't it?


The project accepts payment through a huge number of cryptocurrencies, which facilitates the task of replenishment dozens of times! Firstly we already had money on TRX wallets on different exchanges with my buddy. In total we had about 2000$ (little spoiler, now there is already 10 000$ and we continue investing in bot without any fear, because we recouped our investments in 5 times)
20-30 main telegram accounts. From them we registered in @inTGBlockchain_BOT and were active building our own structure by referral links;
We registered from 1 to 10 new accounts in @inTGBlockchain_BOT daily, recording our structure in a separate Excel table and saving our referral links there;
All registrations were made with Tor-browser, we kept separate tables, which account was created under someone, confirmed e-mail and payeer accounts (where we were withdrawing earned money at first, as it turned out, the withdrawal is automatic for any crypto-wallet, which is also very convenient);
For each new account, we poured $ 10 and distributed by blocks, the blocks were different, you could buy 10 blocks of $ 1, and you could buy 2 for $ 5, or only 1 block for $ 10;
On behalf of each investor we left referral links on various platforms - the most effective was to spread links on the forums of gamblers and social networks in special communities.
The initial process took us 1 day, and the first net profit went to 3 days. According to our terms, we gave business 3-4 hours a day, but every day it was a different time. All these activities were aimed only at one thing - as quickly as possible to build up their own structure and start generating revenue.
The most difficult - it was to invite more and more new investors in the project, but the task is quite achievable, especially since we played for a large, and you can not take the risk and check our strategy for $ 10-20 using 2-3 Telegram accounts.

The result of our investment

We had a few rules: we use only sum of $2000, no reinvestments, we withdraw from the most profitable accounts as soon as the withdrawal allows, and we send other accounts for reinvestment and expansion.
We had 12 teams, each of which had up to 20 pseudo-leaders and 5 times more bots;
Our scheme has been working successfully for almost a month without any losses, which is actually unbelievable for us! The project continues to grow and attract new contributors, and we already have a net profit of $8000.
I took my $ 1000 (of the original investment). I bought ether for 500$ and the other part was fixed in profit in USDT, if anyone is interested, I am solving the question about the rest of money now. My buddy decided to send his part to reinvestment, and I'm not used to risk too much. However, his indicators now are better than mine, because the system allows to withdraw money instantly.


The scheme with multi-accounts is quite simple, but you have to follow a certain algorithm. If you approach the process responsibly, then any projects will be a source of semi-passive income for you with a minimum of effort, the main thing is to use affiliate links. The most important thing is that the project @inTGBlockchain_BOT, worked for a month and is not going to close. Good luck with your investments and profitable work on the Internet.

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GoganFreemanfvob | 23.02.2023

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RaymondKapse | 20.02.2023

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Спасибо, +

NormanJex | 18.02.2023

спасибо, интересное чтение

Aloha, i writing about your price

Kevinfaf | 30.01.2023

Ndewo, achọrọ m ịmara ọnụahịa gị.

Hallo, i am write about your the price for reseller

Dennisfaf | 27.01.2023

Ողջույն, ես ուզում էի իմանալ ձեր գինը.

Hallo wrote about prices

Williamfaf | 20.01.2023

Hai, saya ingin tahu harga Anda.

Hello, i write about your price for reseller

Davidfaf | 15.01.2023

Здравейте, исках да знам цената ви.

Aloha i am writing about the prices

Anthonyfaf | 13.01.2023

Sveiki, aš norėjau sužinoti jūsų kainą.

Hi, i writing about your price

Brucefaf | 07.01.2023

Hej, jeg ønskede at kende din pris.

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